Invest in female leadership in India.
1 in 4 people who experience hunger, live in India. Although India’s economy is growing fast, not everyone benefits. Everyday, millions of Indians do not have enough to eat – especially in rural areas. And this happens despite hunger being the biggest solvable problem in the world.
There is a solution.
There are enough opportunities to reduce hunger - the Indian government has taken the necessary steps. For the very poorest, there are over one 100 different schemes and subsidies, for food security, for job creation, for education – and for much much more. Village councils play an important part in this: they decide who is eligible for this support.
Village councils are 50% female.
On each village council, 50% of the roles are reserved for women. And that’s good news! Because women take action to benefit the entire village more often than men do. And they tend to prioritize food security, health care and education more than men do.
But the system is blocked.
But in practice, women on village councils do not have much of a say. By lack of knowledge, and opportunities. And as women, they are at the bottom of the ladder anyway. Because of this inequality, corruption and bureaucracy, subsidies don’t end up in the right place. The system is completely blocked. So it’s time to unblock the system.
We can unblock the system, by investing in female leaders.
By coaching and training the women who sit in councils about their rights and options. By building up their self-confidence and knowledge. And by cleaver cooperation. With courage and stamina, these trained women become real champions for their villages. They make sure the subsidies reach the very poorest in the community. They become revolutionary role models. And lift their villages out of poverty.
200,000 female leaders have already been trained.
The Hunger Project India has so far trained almost 200,000 of these female leaders in the poorest rural areas. With enormous success. With long-term coaching and training, the ambitions of these women become reality. And their work and impact inevitable. That will bring the end to hunger in India one step closer.
Together, we’re working together for an amazing cause: ending hunger by empowering local female leaders in Odisha. Are you in?
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