You are a changemaker.
Your investment transforms lives. When you invest in our work, you’re investing in the extraordinary power of people to lead change. You’re supporting communities to end cycles of hunger and poverty through sustainable, women-centered strategies. Invest now and help end hunger.
As an investor, you’ll receive quarterly e-mails about our work.
Time Needed: 1 min
We have plenty of ideas for fundraisers, but we encourage you to find a way to fundraise that is meaningful and fun for you!
Time Needed: 30 mins - 3 hours
Unleash Your Leadership.
Join us for an upcoming Unleashed Women or Unleashed Leadership Workshop. These workshops are typically 2.5 hours / week for 5-6 weeks. Walk the path to leadership alongside us. Join a group of individuals who are motivated to become action takers, encouragers, co-creators, and leaders. Get the details for upcoming sessions below.
Time Needed: 30 seconds (to sign up!)

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead
Join the Junior Council.
At this time, we have Junior Council positions open. For individuals under 40. Help The Hunger Project Canada engage with the younger generation and bring a fresh perspective to our work! Apply at the button below.
Time Needed: 15 mins (to apply!)
Become a Board Member.
The Board supports The Hunger Project Canada and provides results-driven leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by the Country Director, the Board-Country Director relationship is a partnership and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected.
Time Needed: 30 mins (to apply!)
Donate a Car.
Donate A Car Canada accepts Vehicle Donations for The Hunger Project Canada. When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat, or motorcycle to The Hunger Project Canada, it will either be recycled or sold at auction (depending on its condition, age and location).
Time Needed: 30 minutes